Encore Professionals' Institute of Coaching


Encore Professionals’
Institute of Coaching

Courses, Programs, and Descriptions


What’s all the buzz?  The buzz is about E.P.I.C., the leading coaching institution for anyone who is ready to move into this rapidly growing and exciting field as a Specialized Coach.  We provide learning theories that focus on different coaching specialties, as well as an expert-driven track to create and build coaching programs, and private labeling opportunities.  At E.P.I.C., you will understand why a career as a certified coach is a life-changing and life-affirming commitment.

Become A Certified Life Coach

Course Descriptions


(1 certification)

Become A Certified Life Coach



By coaching others, you have decided to take your knowledge, skills, and abilities to the next level.

Instructional Delivery: Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

· Define life coaching

· Learn how to conduct a coaching session

· Create a safe and non-judgmental coaching environment

· Understand the difference between coaching and therapy

· Understand the benefits of coaching, the reasons for the increase in popularity, and why coaching is applicable to modern day living

· Learning the coaching skills that will get you and your clients results

· Understand ethical guidelines and principles to which coaches subscribe

Life Coaching
How To Open Your Own Coaching Business

(1 certification)

Become A Certified Life Coach


By coaching others, you have decided to take your knowledge, skills, and abilities to the next level. This course is designed for individuals to become a certified Life Coach, as well as obtain the knowledge on how to open your own coaching business.

Instructional Delivery: Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the “Life Coaching” course, you will be able to:

· Define life coaching

· Learn how to conduct a coaching session

· Create a safe and non-judgmental coaching environment

· Understand the difference between coaching and therapy

· Understand the benefits of coaching, the reasons for the increase in popularity, and why coaching is applicable to modern day living

· Learning the coaching skills that will get you and your clients results

· Understand ethical guidelines and principles to which coaches subscribe

Upon completion of the “How To Open Your Own Coaching Business” course, you will be able to:

· Understand how to make your business legal

· Register your coaching business with the Secretary of State

· Identify a business operating agreement

· Learn how to select a business name and acquire a business address and phone number

· Learn how to open a business account

· Understand how to make your business “domain name” ready

· Understand how to make your business name social media friendly

Life Coaching

Expert Now Coaching others from
Reluctance to Empowerment

(2 certifications)

Become A Certified Life Coach


You have decided to take your knowledge, skills, and abilities to the next level by becoming an Empowerment Coach. This course is designed for individuals to become a certified Life Coach, as well as a certified Empowerment Coach, with an emphasis on Positive Psychology.

Instructional Delivery: Asynchronous classes run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Life Coaching course, you will be able to:

· Define life coaching

· Learn how to conduct a coaching session

· Create a safe and non-judgmental coaching environment

· Understand the difference between coaching and therapy

· Understand the benefits of coaching, the reasons for the increase in popularity, and why coaching is applicable to modern day living

· Learning the coaching skills that will get you and your clients results

· Understand ethical guidelines and principles to which coaches subscribe

Upon completion of the “Expert Now Coaching Others From Reluctance To Empowerment (E.N.C.O.R.E.)” course, you will be able to:

· Understand the science of positive psychology

· Create a safe and non-judgmental coaching environment

· Understand how to apply positive psychology in different contexts

· Help clients develop positive emotions, well-being

· Help clients explore values and develop empowering beliefs, and personal strengths

· Build self-awareness, self-reflection, self-efficacy, and self-confidence in clients

· Foster positive institutions and communities by promoting positive practices and values

Life Coaching

Domestic, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coaching

(2 certifications)

Become A Certified Life Coach


You have decided to take your knowledge, skills, and abilities to the next level by becoming a Domestic, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach. This course is designed for individuals to become a certified Life Coach, as well as a certified Domestic, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach, with an emphasis on Psychosynthesis.

Instructional Delivery: Asynchronous classes run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Life Coaching course, you will be able to:

· Define life coaching

· Learn how to conduct a coaching session

· Create a safe and non-judgmental coaching environment

· Understand the difference between coaching and therapy

· Understand the benefits of coaching, the reasons for the increase in popularity, and why coaching is applicable to modern day living

· Learning the coaching skills that will get you and your clients results

· Understand ethical guidelines and principles to which coaches subscribe

Upon completion of the “Domestic, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach (D.N.A.R.C.)” course, you will be able to:

· Define spirituality, positive psychology, and domestic, narcissistic abuse recovery.

· Understand the principles and theories of spirituality, positive psychology, and domestic, narcissistic abuse recovery.

· Understand the blended roles and functions of spiritual, positive psychology, and narcissistic abuse recovery coaching.

· Understand what is meant by asking good questions and how to interview a recovered to motivate and support their identified recovery journey.

· Explore what it means to actively listen and why it’s an essential coaching skill.

· Acknowledge biases that can influence the coaching relationship.

· Understand ethics and boundaries of coaching.

Private Label Course

Open A Coach Training and Certification Academy

(2 certifications)

Become A Certified Life Coach

Instructional Delivery: Synchronous classes run in real-time, with students and instructors attending together from different locations.

What Is Private Labeling? Private labeling, commonly referred to as “Private Label Rights (PLR),” is brandable content. These rights relate to unbranded content that can be modified, converted into different media, shared with prospects, clients, learners, or sold under your own name, as long as they are in a non-editable format. You will receive these rights and training materials in Word and PDF format, which are simple to edit and customize to fit your brand.

You may use the materials to train as many learners as you’d like and print as many copies as you’d like. However, you are not allowed to pass on those rights or that license to anyone else, it CANNOT be shared with other coaches, trainers, or marketers. It is a license for a single trainer. Each additional trainer or coach who wants to teach the material will need to obtain their own private label rights. (Ex. You can train them to be coaches only, but you can’t give them these rights. You would have to sell them your rights)

This private labeling training program will allow you to “train and certify” individuals to be life coaches.

1 Certification Courses


life coaching and starter website

(2 certifications)

Become A Certified Life Coach

Instructional Delivery:  Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

Starter Package:

Benefit: This package is beneficial to those who desire to enhance their brand identity by:
•Becoming a certified life coach
•Launching a visually appealing and user-friendly, one-page website
•Receiving a black and white business logo


course and professional website

(2 certifications)

Become A Certified Life Coach

Instructional Delivery: Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

Professional Package:

Benefit: This package is beneficial to those who desire to enhance their brand identity by:
•Becoming a certified life coach
•Launching a visually appealing and user-friendly, three-page website
•Receiving a black and white business logo

course and business website

Become A Certified Life Coach

Instructional Delivery:  Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

Business Package:

Benefit: This package is beneficial to those who desire to enhance their brand identity by:
•Becoming a certified life coach
•Opening a coaching business (LLC)
•Launching a visually appealing and user-friendly five-page website
•Receiving a one-color business logo



and mogul website

Become A Certified Life Coach

Instructional Delivery: Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

Mogul Package:

Benefit: This package is beneficial to those who desire to enhance their brand identity by:
•Becoming a certified life coach
•Opening a coaching business (LLC)
•Receiving private label rights to open a coaching academy
•Launching a visually appealing and user-friendly seven-page website
•Receiving a three-color business logo

1 Certification Courses


life coaching
starter website

This package benefits those who desire to enhance their brand identity by:

Instructional Delivery:  Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

life coaching and

This package benefits those who desire to enhance their brand identity by:

Instructional Delivery:  Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

life coaching and
business website

This package benefits those who desire to enhance their brand identity by:

Instructional Delivery:  Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

life coaching and

This package benefits those who desire to enhance their brand identity by:

Instructional Delivery:  Asynchronous, which are classes that run on a more relaxed schedule, with students accessing class materials during different hours and from different locations.

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